This is where it begins…
Feeling stressed out, struggling with persistent aches and pains, or just plain out of shape?
Over trendy workouts that end up beating your body up?
We were too.
Yoga class isn’t just a workout. It’s a chance to walk into a room, shift your state of mind and body, and quite literally: transform. You can cultivate calm, patience, dilligence and balance—all with one class.
If you’re injured, it can help you heal.
If you’re anxious, it can help you relax.
If you’re tired, it can boost your energy.
If you’re out of shape, it can gently strengthen you.
New to the Studio?
Give yourself time. Pre-register for the class is always best, and be on your mat five minutes before class begins.
Parking. If our lot is full please park over by staples in the Millburn Lot.
What to wear. We suggest comfortable, workout-friendly clothing, a hand towel, and a water bottle. You will sweat.
Plan to stay for the entire class. Take a break if you need one, but stay with us for the entire session.
Be Kind to yourself and others.
Wipe down your props. After class, wipe down and return props if you used them.
Unable to attend your registered class? Please cancel within three hours of the start time to avoid our late cancellation fee.
More questions? Check out our F&Q link.