The Revel Yoga Method & Hot PHIIT
Revel Vinyasa Flow Hot
At Revel, our hot vinyasa flow classes will shift your state of mind- body and, quite literally, transform you in a hot studio environment. Our method is designed to strengthen, stretch, align, and challenge YOU! Our flow classes create the change and growth you are looking for. Because practice is better than perfect. And stumbling is better than straining.
Warm Flow classes range from 90-95 degrees.
Classes are 60 mins.
Hot Phitt
HOT PHIIT™ is a beat-based training system that combines High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT), muscle toning, and cardio with the healing properties of infrared heat. All HOT PHIIT™ modalities burn fat and create long, lean muscles with rapid results. They strengthen your core, improve circulation, and increase flexibility. Low-impact modifications are given for each exercise, and each class is taught with an emphasis on mindful movement. You will gain health and flexibility through consistent practice and increased neuromuscular control. This will lead to good posture and strength throughout your body.
(And it’s all even better when it’s set to incredible music . ;-) )We’re here to help you start where you are and stretch what you have to feel the best you’ve ever felt -- and have fun doing it.
Hot Phitt’s classes range from 90-95 degrees.
Class times range from 45-55 mins.